
Sunday Apr 16, 2017
Race of Royals Part 2
Sunday Apr 16, 2017
Sunday Apr 16, 2017
After an early setback with a giant serpent, Lord Hishth was finally making progress in the race. With no one in front and everyone behind, he still liked his odds of winning. The Dukedom would be his. But fate isn't always kind to those with hubris. Difficult obstacles, dangerous predators, and unknown threats still stood between him and the finish line. Could he make it on his own or was the family's oldest servant, Assil, correct when he told Lord Histh he would have to cooperate with others to complete this challenge. All of these posed enormous threats to a commander as great as he.

Sunday Jan 03, 2016
Race of Royals Part 1
Sunday Jan 03, 2016
Sunday Jan 03, 2016
Lord Hishth was finally going to raise his family into the vaulted ranks of royalty when he received his dukedom from the Emperor. The only thing standing in his way was three hundred kilometers of an unknown, hostile planet. His father had failed on the Race of Royals, but Lord Hishth felt confident his military experience and superior cunning would win the day. He would be Duke Hishth and help rule the Issgire Empire.

Monday Apr 07, 2014
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Monday Apr 07, 2014
When Councilman Wo discovers a Leran threat from the Issgire, his reality takes a turn to fear as he may not be able to trust anyone. Always a reasonable man, he has never feared other species until the Issgire brought their war to his world. Now as that war draws closer, Wo's ability to maintain his reasonable attitude towards others may finally break.

Saturday Oct 26, 2013
Saturday Oct 26, 2013
Saturday Oct 26, 2013
The galactic struggles between the Trilliu and the Acriend have awoken an ancient threat slumbering for over a billion years. As each side vies for domination, this new threat will task both for their very survival. Gigo and Brother view sentient life as a virus requiring an inoculation to purify the galaxy, and all warring parties in this ultimate game of chess are now in their cross hairs.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2013
Hunting the Hunter
Tuesday Jul 16, 2013
Tuesday Jul 16, 2013
When a Trilliu Hunter crashes on a primitive forest moon during the heat of a losing battle, he struggles to survive against the only intelligent species. While relishing the freedom and struggle to survive, he is taken aback by the relentless pursuit of his hunters and must use all his instinctual skills to elude his enemies. He was bred for this very thing, but the injuries from his impact may prove fatal if he cannot outrun those hunting him. The Onyalum Wars blog and podcast is published by author NB VanYoos. To read the original story for this podcast, visit the blog at http://www.onyalumwars.com. For more information on the author or the Onyalum Series novels visit http://www.onyalum.com.

Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
When the Trilliu Hunters changed the tide of the war against the Acriend with the introduction of the Hunters, the Acriend Creator Hammot chose a new evolutionary path for his people. On a secret world secure from the prying eyes of his Acriend armies, Hammot has created an elite warrior focused with a new religion and new found philosophy. Twenty thousand strong, he prepares to unleash his elite warriors into the fray and change the tide back in their favor. The Onyalum Wars blog and podcast is published by author NB VanYoos. To read the original story for this podcast, visit the blog at http://www.onyalumwars.com. For more information on the author or the Onyalum Series novels visit http://www.onyalum.com.

Sunday Oct 21, 2012
The Mission
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
The problem with first contact is determining whether an alien species of advanced intelligence is friendly or hostile. If they traveled many light years to your home solar system, for what purpose would they have made the effort? When the Trilliu enter a new solar system, they have only one thing in mind, but how would you know? The Onyalum Wars blog and podcast is published every other month by author NB VanYoos. To read the original story for this podcast, visit the blog at http://www.onyalumwars.com. For more information on the author or the Onyalum Series novels visit http://www.onyalum.com.

Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Zarasic Law
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Sometimes an enemy need do nothing more than pray for deliverance. Such is the case on Minerza, a primitive world with a single religion. Raksh, an Onyalum working for the Leran, may have met his match when the inhabitants of the world named after the word Garden bring forces to bear that have never been seen in this conflict before. The Onyalum Wars blog and podcast is published every other month by author NB VanYoos. To read the original story for this podcast, visit the blog at http://www.onyalumwars.com. For more information on the author or the Onyalum Series novels visit http://www.onyalum.com.

Monday Jan 16, 2012
Monday Jan 16, 2012
Monday Jan 16, 2012
Young and courageous, Petima faces his fears as he attempts to obtain a trophy from the Issgire occupation. If successful, he will return to his village a man and a warrior able to learn the sacred art of war and takes his rightful place beside his elders protecting the people. The Onyalum Wars blog and podcast is published every other month by author NB VanYoos. To read the original story for this podcast, visit the blog at http://www.onyalumwars.com. For more information on the author or the Onyalum Series novels visit http://www.onyalum.com.

Sunday Mar 27, 2011
Sunday Mar 27, 2011
Sunday Mar 27, 2011
When two ancient species knock on your door, inviting you to join their cause, how do you react? The people of Wazcatrain face that very decision. Will they align with the Issgire, overlooking the reptiles' dubious past in favor of their future, or will they choose the aliens from another galaxy, joining the Leran Alliance to take back their galaxy from reptile rule? The Onyalum Wars blog and podcast is published every other month by author NB VanYoos. To read the original story for this podcast, visit the blog at http://www.onyalumwars.com. For more information on the author or the Onyalum Series novels visit http://www.onyalum.com.